A blog dedicated to the creatives, free-thinkers, culture jammers, and rebellious souls interested in communicating change in our world through art and freedom of expression.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cosplay and Models

Good Evening,

I remember being in high school and hearing about girls in my class who had photo shoots coming up, or we're shooting a commercial, and everyone being fascinated......

While i sat there, thinking...."LAME"..

Don't get me wrong, i used to do it as a child, I just always thought models to be complete air heads. All they do is look pretty and pose in front of a camera for a few hours. How difficult is that?

It wasn't until i was 17-18,when i discovered photos of cosplayers online that completely changed my tune. I wanted to do that, I wanted to recreate scenes from my favourite comics, animes, video games, etc..I just never thought of modeling in that way.

I started sketching out ideas for costumes and concepts. Along the way, i realized how time consuming and pricey the whole process really was, just for that perfect shot. I formed a much greater appreciation for it all.

When i was 19, i began working in the fashion industry as a make-up artist. At that time i was attending make-up school. I had one of the photographers approach me on my second job. We scheduled a photo shoot date, and things just kept advancing after that.

I've now grown to appreciate and love this industry, and trust me when i say posing in front of the camera for 6-8 hours is NOT easy. You have to know exactly what the photographer wants, and be ready to strike a new pose every click he/she makes. In some cases you may have to remain in the same position as awkward or uncomfortable it may be.

I've only been in this industry part-time for a little over a year, and in that time i've been really fortunate to get work as a cosplayer. It's been such an awesome rewarding experience. I've met handfuls of great people, and friends.

It's safe to say that i now respect all forms of the modeling industry...well maybe just ALT. I'm still warming up to the other kinds ;)

Take Care,


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Local Spotlight: Nicole Popovic

A dear friend o' mine, I've known Nicole for quite some time indeed! Her work has a simple movement to it that seems almost gentle and informing, like waking up some some revolutionary dream. You know, the ones where you wake up and you feel moved in a way, and the imagery sticks with you for years. Yeah kinda like that!

Check it out;

"Working with acrylic paint on canvas as well as soft pastels, I aim to capture images I have seen in my dreams. Using art to help practice dream recollection through vibrant colours using a variety of techniques, I attempt to unite the subcouncious mind with the physical world" -Nicole Popovic
Oh, and she writes too: LIVEJOURNAL
We are currently working on several small-print zines to go around to local shops and help spread the power of art in our area!
Both are currently open for art submissions until the first of August ;] join in!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Emil Alzamora

Does some crazy sculptures
He seeks to express emotional or physical situations using the human form and sculpture. Note the really long neck :O

Emil Alazamora

->I claim no ownership of images utilized in this post thingy

Things I Miss From Childhood

Random topics ftw!

I was born in 1990. It was...an interesting time you might say. Things were simpler and yet more complicated back in the old days. HAH. Here's how I remember passing the time;

Pogs. I really, really, really miss these things. Best feeling ever winning and it actually took some sort of half-assed skills to play.

CRAZY BONES. OMG. They were all over the gradeschool recesses. So freaking cool. When you got Eggy? He was the best one. Cause his head is damn round. Best for whipping ass in competitions. He's the one that looks like an egg ^ I'm also a particular fan of the Jaws one. He's actually a little intimidating.

Ohhh yeah baby. Most face-melting task setting the damn thing up but endlessly amusing once you did. Half the time I didn't even bother playing the actual game. Modding this thing was more than enough. MICE WATCHDAFUCKOUT.

Remember this face? Yeah. I totally had the white one. A part of me wants to believe they were just freakishly "adorable" little robots that you could sometimes manipulate into saying dirty words (mine never did :/ ), while the rest of me wants to think the government put secret mind-control computers inside of them to mess with our heads. These little dudes were insanely popular for a while. Infecting all the world with their complaints. "Feed me..." NO. ITS PAST MIDNIGHT YOU LITTLE CREEPY THING

Tamagotchis. When puppies and kittens get boring. This one wasn't around in my day, but it's BY FAR the coolest one I've ever seen. Ninja tamagotchi? Yes. So much yes.

Things you remember from your childhood?: GO!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For Curiosities Sake

Ok, so the last entry made me think a lot about how modern trends in how we portray the human body in art and illustration. I notice elongated body parts a lot lately, especially necks which is interesting when you think about the women in Burma with their traditions of elongating their neck over a long period of time.

Looks a little something like this

It reminded me of a documentary I watched during my happy college times about the portrayal of the human body in art and art history, and how it related to the things we wanted to exaggerate for different reasons in different cultures. It goes on to connect it to our human relationship to our bodies and why we always desire an exaggeration [supermodel syndom?]. After many hours of visually eating art, I've noticed a trend in current art and illustrations beside the whole super-skinny thing. It's the elongated necks, limbs, almost supernaturally beautiful or surprisingly unattractive faces. In terms of the Venus statues, the sculptors of that era wanted to exaggerate the breasts, hips, ass. You know. All that junk in tha trunk. They exaggerated it because it represented fertility. Also, these are the main areas where hormones are distributed in the female body, right? Kinda interesting to think about. Then our vision of the human body changed again, and the film goes on the explain how Egyptians wanted to show the unique identiy of each subject by drawing them all in profile. Greeks and Romans wanted to show an "ideal beauty", or perfect beings. Sculpted abs, nice bicepts, ya know, the whole nine yards. It contrasts the difference between these shifts and how modern art is also still interpreting our relation to our bodies and what exaggerations of reality we are attracted to for different reasons. Now it's big tits, curves, and tiny waist sizes. Another idea of perfection which cannot realistically be achieved without large damage to our egos and maybe even the human spirit.

Here's a clip from the video. I couldn't find the whole movie obviously but if you ever have the chance to see it definitely go for it.

So, whats with new/other exaggerations of the human body?

Let's take a walk

Burmese necks?
"The custom of wearing neck rings is related to an ideal of beauty: an elongated neck.[3] Neck rings push the collarbone and ribs down.[4] The neck stretching is mostly illusory: the weight of the rings twists the collar bone and eventually the upper ribs at an angle 45 degrees lower than what is natural, causing the illusion of an elongated neck. The vertebrae do not elongate, though the space between them may increase as the intervertebral discs absorb liquid."
"Kayan women, when asked, acknowledge these ideas, but often say that their purpose for wearing the rings is cultural identity (one associated with beauty)"
Possibly could influence the use of elongated necks, after all inspiration comes from everywhere. I however am curious as to why they found it beautiful. Maybe there is some symbolism in wanting our necks longer and our vantagepoint far higher than originally. Sense of wisdom perhaps?

Skinniness/elongated ligments- possibly to accentuate the use of S-Curve, a commonly occuring shape which we are naturally attracted to.

Seems that we keep wanting to draw our bodies longer and for them to have more contrast. If you think about why we're exaggerating certian parts, it becomes a strange little thought cloud indeed. Are we seeing ourselves in the future? Somehow needing to adapt? Are we trying to see perfection in naturally occurring shapes and thus giving ourselves un-natural expectations of ourselves?

This was just a study For Curiosities Sake.

If you have any other excellent examples of body exaggerations in art, comment!

->No I don't own these images. Though I wish I did :/

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Anthony Ventura, an artist I "stumbledupon" recently. Little did I know he went to the same college as myself, except for illustration instead of photography. The world is a small, small place isn't it!

I wanted to do a quick review of his work because there's just something so haunting and yet childish about his imagery.

The colour and contrast give the pieces a "comic-book" kind of feel which I really enjoy.

EVOLE-R.COM, where you can find more of his work

It seems a trend in a lot of newer illustrations to elongate necks and limbs for some reason. Subconscious meanings? Maybe. Next blog topic? YES

->I claim no ownership over any of the images provided, all have source-links intact.


You may or may not recognize this image from Tool's promo art. Being my all-time favourite band of EVER, I felt it necessary to give a quick review of one of my favourite artists. His work compliments Alex Grey's work so well I'm not surprised they hired him. I would have. So he could paint my entire room.

What. A. Trip that would be.(Not that I indulge in any hallucinatory drugs, "real" life is quite enough of a challenge for me in terms of the whole "is this real or am I dreaming?" dillema).

Anyway, after I found this image I went on a hunt to find the artist and eventually came up on Happypencil.com, which is affectionately named I must say. His website portrays his work perfectly (though I do wish there was a way to view the images full-screen, the detail is really meticulous).

This is my favourite piece thus far entitled "Ghost.01", though it's been a hard competition. I keep going back and looking at it because I adore not only the detail but the flow it embodies. It literally makes me turn on Tool every time I see it. There's so much expression in what face you can actually see. But that's why I love it. All of his work reminds me of a younger more colour-varied HR Giger...also one of my favourite artists. No joke, eh?

->I claim no ownership over any of the images provided, all have source-links intact.

With Limitless Love,
