A blog dedicated to the creatives, free-thinkers, culture jammers, and rebellious souls interested in communicating change in our world through art and freedom of expression.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Local Spotlight: Nicole Popovic

A dear friend o' mine, I've known Nicole for quite some time indeed! Her work has a simple movement to it that seems almost gentle and informing, like waking up some some revolutionary dream. You know, the ones where you wake up and you feel moved in a way, and the imagery sticks with you for years. Yeah kinda like that!

Check it out;

"Working with acrylic paint on canvas as well as soft pastels, I aim to capture images I have seen in my dreams. Using art to help practice dream recollection through vibrant colours using a variety of techniques, I attempt to unite the subcouncious mind with the physical world" -Nicole Popovic
Oh, and she writes too: LIVEJOURNAL
We are currently working on several small-print zines to go around to local shops and help spread the power of art in our area!
Both are currently open for art submissions until the first of August ;] join in!

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