A blog dedicated to the creatives, free-thinkers, culture jammers, and rebellious souls interested in communicating change in our world through art and freedom of expression.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Things I Miss From Childhood

Random topics ftw!

I was born in 1990. It was...an interesting time you might say. Things were simpler and yet more complicated back in the old days. HAH. Here's how I remember passing the time;

Pogs. I really, really, really miss these things. Best feeling ever winning and it actually took some sort of half-assed skills to play.

CRAZY BONES. OMG. They were all over the gradeschool recesses. So freaking cool. When you got Eggy? He was the best one. Cause his head is damn round. Best for whipping ass in competitions. He's the one that looks like an egg ^ I'm also a particular fan of the Jaws one. He's actually a little intimidating.

Ohhh yeah baby. Most face-melting task setting the damn thing up but endlessly amusing once you did. Half the time I didn't even bother playing the actual game. Modding this thing was more than enough. MICE WATCHDAFUCKOUT.

Remember this face? Yeah. I totally had the white one. A part of me wants to believe they were just freakishly "adorable" little robots that you could sometimes manipulate into saying dirty words (mine never did :/ ), while the rest of me wants to think the government put secret mind-control computers inside of them to mess with our heads. These little dudes were insanely popular for a while. Infecting all the world with their complaints. "Feed me..." NO. ITS PAST MIDNIGHT YOU LITTLE CREEPY THING

Tamagotchis. When puppies and kittens get boring. This one wasn't around in my day, but it's BY FAR the coolest one I've ever seen. Ninja tamagotchi? Yes. So much yes.

Things you remember from your childhood?: GO!


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