A blog dedicated to the creatives, free-thinkers, culture jammers, and rebellious souls interested in communicating change in our world through art and freedom of expression.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


You may or may not recognize this image from Tool's promo art. Being my all-time favourite band of EVER, I felt it necessary to give a quick review of one of my favourite artists. His work compliments Alex Grey's work so well I'm not surprised they hired him. I would have. So he could paint my entire room.

What. A. Trip that would be.(Not that I indulge in any hallucinatory drugs, "real" life is quite enough of a challenge for me in terms of the whole "is this real or am I dreaming?" dillema).

Anyway, after I found this image I went on a hunt to find the artist and eventually came up on Happypencil.com, which is affectionately named I must say. His website portrays his work perfectly (though I do wish there was a way to view the images full-screen, the detail is really meticulous).

This is my favourite piece thus far entitled "Ghost.01", though it's been a hard competition. I keep going back and looking at it because I adore not only the detail but the flow it embodies. It literally makes me turn on Tool every time I see it. There's so much expression in what face you can actually see. But that's why I love it. All of his work reminds me of a younger more colour-varied HR Giger...also one of my favourite artists. No joke, eh?

->I claim no ownership over any of the images provided, all have source-links intact.

With Limitless Love,


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